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Felix Emueze


Felix Emueze

Felix has been a practising Journalist, before he ventured into the law profession. Felix’ well driven skills, abilities, knowledge and experience in law span well over ten years both as a caseworker and qualified solicitor in areas of Asylum & Immigration, Human Rights Law, Family Law, Housing and General Civil Litigation.

Felix has contributed to the successful delivery of many projects in the areas of managing law firms, experience in managing Legal Aid audits to mention but few. He holds a diploma in Mass Communication, Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A English Literature), Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB), Post Graduate in Legal Practice (LPC), Master of Law (LLM). Since he joined the firm as a trainee and qualified as a Solicitor, he has experienced his Housing portfolio grow to a humungous framework.

Felix is pragmatic and keen to learn new skills in other areas of jurisprudence.

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Bloomfield Solicitors

Bloomfield Solicitors is a law firm authorised and registered in England and Wales with a Recognised Body Registration numbers 566488 for its main office and 591965 for its branch office. It is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA); the independent regulatory body of the Law Society of England and Wales.

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