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Bloomfield Solicitors UK

079 5018 3074 (24Hrs)

Main Office

Thames Innovation Centre 2 Veridion Way, Greater London DA18 4AL

Tel: 020 8320 1260
Fax: 020 8320 1262


Belvedere Overground (10 mins)
London Bridge (10 mins)
Ebbsfleet International Eurostar Station
(30 mins)

180, 401

15 Mins from junction 1a of the M25

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Branch Office

Equitable House 10 New Woolwich Road London SE18 6AB

Tel: 020 8855 4044
Fax: 020 8617 9500

Woolwich Arsenal Station (1 min)
DLR: Woolwich Arsenal Station (1 min)

472, 161, 422, 380, 386, 53, 122, 177, 180, 291, 422, 469, 472

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Bloomfield Solicitors

Bloomfield Solicitors is a law firm authorised and registered in England and Wales with a Recognised Body Registration numbers 566488 for its main office and 591965 for its branch office. It is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA); the independent regulatory body of the Law Society of England and Wales.

Bloomfield Solicitors UK. All rights reserved
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